Ubuntu Server on old MacBook

SvelteKit, NextJS, React

My goal was to have a Media server that would be able to be more capable with different types of files. Up to that point i was using my NAS, which runs Plex, which struggled serving files due to its limited arm CPU and RAM. I wanted a standalone system that would run all of my Home-lab needs.

Enter my MacBook: A 17-inch MacBook Pro from 2011. This had been struggling due to not being supported anymore and having loads of junk from past use. I wanted to use this as my server due to relatively low power usage and having a small form factor. It also has loads of expandability, Such as easy RAM access.

I started off by completely wiping the drive to fresh, I then installed MacOS High Sierra for the occasional time i need to use it for specific MacOS tasks. I then partitioned the drive and installed Ubuntu Server.

Once Ubuntu was installed i logged in from my main computer through SSH and started installing some apps. I Started off by installing CasaOS, as it is very lightweight and allows easy installation of apps from their own app store.

I then mounted my NAS to the MacBook by editing the fstab file in /etc (This makes sure that the NAS is mounted on startup). I then installed Jellyfin onto Ubuntu along with Portainer, for more advanced customization of the docker containers.

Once the media was mounted to a location inside of Ubuntu i pointed the Jellyfin container towards the NAS (/media). I then set up Jellyfin accordingly, creating 3 library’s (Movies, TV, Other).

With relief the MacBook could play pretty much any file i showed it when direct playing. Transcoding wont work on these computers due to how old it is but it works perfectly organizing and serving media to any device in my house.

This Ubuntu server has endless possibilities and could have many uses.

Charlie Design

Made with ❤️ by Charlie